Meet the Fatalities: Gradual, Unexpected Death--Dorian

In THE LAST GHOST, the Death that comes to end a person's life depends on the nature of the cause of death. There are 16 deaths, called Fatalities, in the book. Over the next 16 days, we will meet one Fatality each day, and discuss which heartbreaking fictional character death belongs with each character.

Meet the Fourteenth Fatality, Gradual Unexpected Death, Commonly Referred to as Dorian

"He reminded Woe as if several daddy longlegs decided to get together and take the shape of a man. He was alarmingly, shockingly thin, with long, stringy hair. He had what looked like several day-old bruises on his arms, and the bruises, and himself were a yellow grey color, the color of dingy mop water."--The Last Ghost

Dorian is also one of the paradoxical deaths, he is both gradual and unexpected. Typically, that can be when someone is dying, but their actual death comes as a surprise. In more modern times, Dorian’s appointment book is full of cases of drug overdose.

According to the CDC, over 60,000 Americans died of a drug overdose. Based on data from 2015 to 2016, the overdose rate increased 21.5%. It is likely to see a bigger increase in 2017 data.


One strange thing about fictional characters is that although many, many characters have struggled with drug abuse and addiction, although few of them die of a drug overdose, as opposed to a different cause of death.

The most famous heartbreaking fictional character’s death is the diary writer from Go Ask Alice, by Anonymous/Beatrice Sparks.

“I wouldn't intentionally hurt anyone in this whole world. I wouldn't hurt them physically or emotionally, how then can people so consistently do it to me? Even my parents treat me like I'm stupid and inferior and ever short. I guess I'll never measure up to anyone's expectations. I surely don't measure up to what I'd like to be.” -Go Ask Alice

Go Ask Alice is presented as a real teenager’s diary about how she is given an LSD spiked drink at a party and descends into a cycle of addiction. What is heartbreaking at the end, is after being released from the hospital, she ends hopefully optimistic that she can live sober and happy. Then, the book ends with a footnote that she died of a drug overdose.

To me, “Alice” would have received Dorian. What other fictional characters death do you think would have met Dorian? Also, did you know that “Go Ask Alice” had an authorship controversy?