I was very tempted to make a "judge a book by its cover" joke here, but I did not.
Book covers can be very powerful, the cover is the book's first impression, they can inspire you to pick up something brand new, they can convey the book's mood, they can set the tone.
Some covers become rather famous. For instance, the cover of Twilight, which is two hands holding an apple, was referenced as an Easter egg for fans in the first Twilight movie. (Edward catches a dropped apple and holds it out in both hands.)
I will confess that sometimes when I am reading hardcover books, I will remove the dust jacket so it is not damaged, so then when I go to look at the cover of the book I am disappointed.
I also get attached to the cover of the version I read. For instance, I first read what I call "Red cover Gone With the Wind. I wonder if people who first read Beige cover Gone with the Wind find the novel less romantic.
This is not the cover my read 1,000 times version has.
One really interesting use of cover in a modern book is Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Ademeyi. One of the only things I know about the book the main character is of subjugated class called the maji, marked by their white hair, which is displayed on the cover.
According to some literary historians, the cover can also affect the book. The original cover of the Great Gatsby (you know, the one with the eyes) is said to have been created before the manuscript was completed.
What are some iconic book covers you know? Have you ever picked a book just for the cover? Tell us in the comments.
P.S. The cover for my novel The Last Ghost will be revealed on March 22. Please join us on facebook and other social media at 7pm to see all of the 50/50 Press 2018 covers!